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Steffi love Welcome surprise -Dolce attesa incinta
Steffi love Welcome surprise -Dolce attesa incinta
Steffi love Welcome surprise -Dolce attesa incinta
Steffi love Welcome surprise -Dolce attesa incinta
Steffi love Welcome surprise -Dolce attesa incinta
Steffi love Welcome surprise -Dolce attesa incinta
Steffi love Welcome surprise -Dolce attesa incinta

Steffi Love Welcome Surprise -Dolce pregnant wait

Price including VAT

With this doll made by Simba You can relive the magic of sweet waiting. Steffi does not yet know if he waits for a boy or a girl. Shoot with the Lancia Corndoli included, based on the pink or blue color, you will discover the sex of the unborn child. Open your belly and get the hidden baby out, touching a button belly It will close. The doll has a striped and hearts fantasy dress. 

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